Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Chaos Goddes is actually pretty nice

Not that new card, but wasn't used at all. However, for a bit of time, there was a combo that could summon this easily, without any deck dedications. No one noticed it until now. Thanks to Thor el Señor de los Aesir from YCM Forums for discovering the combo:

1. Normal Summon Junk Synchron to revive any Level 1 Tuner
2. Special Summon Doppelwarrior
3. Tune Doppelwarrior and Junk Synchron to Synchro Summon T.G. Hyper Librarian
4. Get the Doppel Tokens
5. Tune the Level 1 Tuner with 1 of Doppel Tokens to Synchro Summon Formula Synchron
6. Draw 2 cards, 1 from Librarian, 1 from Formula
7. Tune T.G. Hyper Librarian, Formula Synchron and 1 Doppel Token into Chaos Goddess

As you see, it requires no deck dedication, as any deck that plays Junk Doppel engine can pull it off easily. Sure, you could as well go into better targets, like Scrap Dragon, but this card can revive Chaos Sorcerer, T.G. Hyper Librarian, Gorz the Emissary of Darkness, Tragoedia, or Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En. It seems that the combo would work best in T.G. Junk Doppel, as you can splash Elder of the Six Samurai in there to go into Shi En with it and T.G. Striker. Anyways, I'm now working on a buil using abusing the combo. If it goes well, I'll post it tomorrow.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Konami destroyed the Pandora's Box refference - Number 39: Utopia

Number 39: Utopia
LIGHT/Warrior - Xyz - Effect/4/2500/2000
2 Level 4 monsters
You can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card to negate the attack of a monster. If this card is targeted for an attack while it has no Xyz Material Monsters, destroy it.

Yep, an Xyz again. If you guys are bored of them already, let me know. Anyways, in case you're wondering what was the Pandora's Box refference: OCG name of this card is No.39 Aspiring Emperor Hope. Yuma in ZeXal opened a gate which released the evil into the world, and the last thing that remained was Hope. Get it already? Also, I have to clear something up: despite what most people think, this effect is Spell Speed 1, therefore, you cannot chain it to Dimensional Prison to save yourself from it.

Many people would say that Roach is far better, but honestly, they're kinda equal. First of all, Utopia is a budget card, as it's from a Starter Deck. It can save your ass from deadly attacks 2 times or pull out some combos by negating yours with Double Up Chance. Also, it's a key component of Xyz Gadget OTK, as 3 of those do 7500 damage, while 3 Roach would do only 5700. That leaves us with 2300 damage to do. Sure, you can use 1 more Gadget to push for game, but as I said before, Utopia is better in those kinds of decks as it will be very cheap.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Money card of GENF - Steelswarm Roach

Steelswarm Roach
DARK/Fiend - Xyz - Effect/4/1900/0
2 Level 4 monsters
You can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card to negate the Special Summon of a Level 5 or higher monster and destroy it.

Honestly, I didn't expect it in TCG that fast, but it's only better. However, seeing as it will be a Secret Rare and has an awesome effect, it will be an obligatory money card on GENF.

While being easy to run over, it's pretty much a much better version of Rai-Oh. Wait, how can it be better than Rai-Oh if it can negate only summon of a Level 5 or higher monster, while Rai-Oh any? Because Roach can be used 2 times, and doesn't leave the field open after you negate. Sure, you're can't negate stuff like Doppelwarrior, T.G. Striker, Genex Ally Birdman etc. but notice what happens with most Level 4 or lower monsters in current meta? Yep, they're used for Synchros, which Roach can negate on will. Well, unless it's Armory Arm.

It's a mad card in Gravekeeper's. With a single Spy, you can instantly summon it, and Gravekeeper's play a lot of defensive cards, so it's not that vulnerable. Same for Gladiator Beasts. Samurais can pull it off with double Kizan, and Shi En + Roach is pretty much game. Obligatory Xyz Gadgets aren't even worth mentioning. Shame Roach can't negate summons using Monster Reborn etc. but it doesn't change the fact that it's a ridiculously good card and will have a big impact on meta when released.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Twin Terror of Destruction - Tiras, Keeper of Genesis & Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon

Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
LIGHT/Fairy - Xyz - Effect/5/2600/1700
2 Level 5 monsters
If this card has an Xyz Material Monster, this card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card battles, at the end of Battle Phase, target 1 card your opponent controls and destroy the target. During each of your End Phases, detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card.

Adreus, Keeper of Armageddon
DARK/Fiend - Xyz - Effect/5/2600/1700
2 Level 5 monsters
Once per turn, you can detach 1 Xyz Material Monster from this card to target 1 face-up monster your opponent controls and destroy the target.

At the first glance, Tiras seems obviously better, and effect-wise, it is. However, Adreus makes himself better by its Type and Attributed. Adreus is a perfect Xyz for Dark World. Can be easily summoned through the combo of Goldd + Siilva, fuels the Graveyard for Gate of the Dark World, gets rid of stuff and if Adreus itself dies, it is a fooder for Gate as well. It's generic as well, so it can fit pretty much everywhere.

On the other hand, Tiras is much better in non-Dark World decks. Immune to destruction effects for 2 turns since summon, and destroys 1 card each turn. However, it must still go through the Battle Phase to actually work, so Dimensional Prison and stuff simply screw him over, where Adreas' effect is instant use. Though Tiras had Honest, and is a fooder for Archlord Kristya when dies. Generic as well.

While on the first hand Tiras seems much better than Adreus, in reality, they're equally awesome. Honestly, I expected that TCG Exclusives for GENF will suck, but Adreus thinks otherwise. Orient Dragon is pretty good card too, I will review it later today or tomorrow. Anyways, so far, GENF looks very promising, I wonder what more will we get in it.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Earthbound Immortal without an Earthbound - Bushi OTK

Monsters: 14
3 Armageddon Knight

3 Doppelwarrior
3 Junk Synchron
3 The Immortal Bushi

1 Plaguespreader Zombie
1 Necro Gardna

Spells: 18
3 Pot of Duality
3 Solidarity
2 Tuning
2 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Allure of Darkness
1 Dark Hole
1 Foolish Burial

1 Giant Trunade
1 Monster Reborn

1 Pot of Avarice
1 Reinforcement of the Army

Traps: 9

2 Dimensional Prison
2 Solemn Warning
1 Trap Stun
1 Mirror Force
1 Royal Oppression
1 Solemn Judgment
1 Torrential Tribute

I came up with the idea when I noticed that Bushi has kind of synergy with Doppelwarrior. So if Doppelwarrior, Junk Synchron as well. And then I noticed that this was already done a few times before. Either way, the main OTK of the deck is the combo I already mentioned with addition of Solidarity. Either drop Doppelwarrior when you revive Bushi, or revive it with Junk Synchron. Tune Junk Synchron with Doppelwarrior into Junk Warrior. Before Junk Warrior's effect resolves, you get the 2 Doppel Tokens, whose ATK is now 1200 due to Solidarity. Junk Warrior resolves, boosting its ATK by 2400, 1200 for each Token. It has now 5500 ATK (2400 + 2300 + 800). 5500 + 2400 = 7900 damage. Yeah, so close to OTK. That's what Bushi is for, it pushes for game in this case. Though if you already have a monster out, Bushi is redunant.

However, the OTK is not the deck's only way to play. With Junk Synchron + Bushi + Doppelwarrior combination, you can also Synchro Summon a Junk Destroyer, blowing up 2 cards and getting 2 Tokens. Bushi itself is a reccuring meat shield or a beatstick, if you already have Solidarity out. Deck can bring out pretty much any generic/semi-generic Synchro with Level ranging from 5 to 8:
Level 5 (Junk Synchron + Doppelwarrior)
Level 6 (Junk Synchron + Bushi)
Level 7 (Junk Synchron + Armageddon Knight)
Level 8 (Junk Synchron + Doppelwarrior + Bushi)

Plaguespreader Zombie is great card in here. A Tuner that can be dumped with Armageddon Knight, and doesn't conflict with Solidarity and Bushi in any way, as it removes itself from play after revived. Pot of Avarice is nice tech in here, as it can either recycle your Junk Synchrons and/or Doppelwarriors, as well return any non-Warrior Synchros back to your Extra so that Bushi and Solidarity can keep going. Necro Gardna is in here only because it can be dumper with Armageddon Knight. Also, it can save your ass a few times, and is pretty much impossible to get rid of, as it's chainable.

I saw some builds using Battle Fader. I actually wanted to try it as well, but I lacked space. Kuraz the Light Monarch also has nice combos in here, as you can drop Doppelwarrior when reviving Bushi, Tribute Doppelwarrior for Kuraz, pop Bushi and some other card, draw 2 cards. And you actually didn't lost card advantage, as Bushi can come back next turn. I'm pretty sure there are a lot of other cards that can fit this deck which I didn't found yet. If you find any, be sure to let me know :P

Deck has pretty bad matchup agains anything that can remove cards from Graveyard, as it screws up Bushi and Doppwlarrior plays. This can handle Anti-Meta decks pretty well actually, as Bushi plays around Rai-Oh, Royal Oppressions, Doomcaliber Knight etc. Some of my friends think that this has a bad Gravekeeper's matchup, but it's not actually true. Sure, Necrovalley stops Junk Synchron -> Doppelwarrior plays, but you can drop Doppelwarrior when reviving a Bushi and get actually the same results as you would get with reviving Doppelwarior with Junk Synchron.

All Clear! Go! First post on the blog!

'Sup guys. Decided to make yet another blog, because there were problems with other 2. Yep, it's me, Kowalski from Duelist Weekly. Anyways, my main focus are deck profiles, but it doesn't mean it's the only stuff I will post about. Anyways, because my real life is a bit busy lately, expect 1 deck per week, and in the meantime, some card reviews and other random posts. Anyways, that's all for now, if it goes well, I'll post the first deck later today. Oh, and I promise that this blog won't die/be closed, I swear on my honor as a duelist :D